This morning me and my mom went to Square One for some shopping. We couldn't go anywhere fast because of my blasted knee (more on that some other time) but we did pretty well. My mom stocked up on Cards at Carlton. Apparently they're revamping their card reward system... I wonder why...? Not that I ever buy cards... I think that I'd rather spend an extra $5 on something else than a piece of paper. But she got 8 cards where 2 were free.
Then we went for some coffee at Second Cup - my treat :) and bought some Cucina soap refills at Fruits & Passion. Buy 2 get a small one free. Laura, Rainbow Jade, Wal*Mart, then EBGames for Gears of War 2. Scott will be happy: hopefully he'll let me play with him soon - lol. As we were making our way out I wanted to look at Pumas at the Athletes World. Then we looked at the Pumas for women...
My mom is really getting gung-ho about losing weight and getting healthy. Her new motto is 'Just Do It'. I remember as a child we never got Nike shoes because they were so expensive. I guess times change 'cause she bought a pair of Nike's - I hope she puts them to good use. My mom offered to get me a pair of shoes because it was a BOGO-HALF deal, but there was nothing I liked so I didn't get a pair. The sales lady was very insistent to the point where she was like "Lets make a deal". She suggested finding any pair I liked and she could ask her manager to make it a BOGO-HALF. So I try on a shoe but it was falling apart on one side. So in the end I didn't get a new pair of shoes. But what's the point of getting a pair of shoes I only kind of like? I wasn't in love today (with any of the shoes, I mean)
While we were at the mall my dad went to a Chinese Supermarket H&H (Think T&T but smaller, lol what's the deal with all these names? What's next, Asian gas stations named G&G?). Anyway, he went to buy fish, $5 for 2 fish. Sounds pretty good but only a small amount of the fish he got is edible by my parents standards. Give the same fish to a different family and they probably would use 90% of it... So we're having fish as a sidedish for dinner. It was very good and good for you too!

After dinner my mother decided that she wanted Dairy Queen and at the time it seemed like a marvelous idea to me. It figures, she wants to start a fitness regimen with Dairy Queen... I got my usual Pecan Mudslide - not on the menu, but they made it for me anyhow :) OMG it made me feel so disgusting after, the next time I have one, I'll have to drag Daniel along so he could help me :)