Other than that, my employer decided to hire me full-time for my current position of Data Analyst. That means that I analyze data. It's not all that complicated. The job is pretty good, I do interesting work and when there is a lull in the work (and my boss is out of town) I get to do whatever I want at work! Horray for Youtube and Google Maps!
My grandmother passed away on the 14th and the funeral took a lot out of my family. It was very sad, but she was 97 and we had already said our goodbyes. Even as she was loosing part of her mind I always pictured her as the perfect grandmother who babysat myself and my sister, made crafts with us, baked us cookies, put dimes in our birthday cakes and cooked us up homemade play-dough. I miss my granny, but I'll always remember.
You are just too cute